Rainbow of fresh chopped veggies
Life on the road,  Pipeline Travel,  RV Life

Top ways to keep your camper kitchen cool in the summer

Who is tired of sweating it out in the camper kitchen just to get a decent meal on the table?

I don’t know about you but I do not enjoy cooking in the camper kitchen to begin with but when you add high temps…I’m out!  Between chasing the kids out of the kitchen area, searching for my ingredients and getting the pans warmed up I was already in full on workout sweat mode!

I finally started using my brain and coming up with a few ideas on how I could keep it a bit cooler in the kitchen.


Are you ready to learn about my top ways to keep your camper kitchen cool in the summer?


Read on sister!


Meal Prep

One of the easiest ways is to prep your food in the morning when the temps are cooler outside.

Meal prep is nothing new but doing it to help keep your camper kitchen cool in the summer may be a new idea to some.

If you focus on doing the cooking in the morning you get two great advantages;

  1. You can relax in the afternoon because most of your dinner is done
  2. You don’t have to worry about that boob sweat as you prep your sweetie’s dinner

I don’t know about you but both of those reasons alone have my vote for early morning cooking!

Now if only I could get my act together and actually put that plan in to action!


Don’t fear though if you are not a morning kind of person, there is still help!


Meet your new best friends – The Crockpot and Instapot

These two are great at helping keep your camper kitchen cool in the summer because they keep the steam/heat inside a lid and once again all your prep is done and your food is just in there cooking itself!


The crockpot is great because you generally just throw all the ingredients in and let it cook for a set period of time.  If you have one of those fancier ones it will even put it on “keep warm” after the cooking period is over.  One of the issues that occasionally may happen is that you overcook the meat and it turns into a mushy mess, depending on the recipe and meat.  The other issue relates to comparing it with the Instapot, you may dirty more dishes with the crockpot.


The instapot is super helpful in that it can do a variety of cooking tasks!  You can saute it, then pressure cook it…think a roast where you want to sear the meat first.  One less dish right there!

It’s great for boiling eggs, making chili, and more!  Some models have options for baking, soups, and homemade yogurt.  You can find the model I currently have here and other RV needs here!  I even have a few accessories to go along with it.

Woman standing in small camper kitchen



Use your convection oven(newer models) instead of regular oven

I have found that the convection oven puts off a bit less heat than the regular oven in the camper. Both get a bad rap for cooking in a camper though.  The regular oven is so small, a pain to light and it often seems to take forever or burn your item to a crisp!

The convection oven is still on the small side but bigger than the regular oven.  You don’t have to bend down or get on the floor to light it (or light it period)!  It can still be tricky though as it seems that you can’t always go with the same temperature or cooking time as what is called for in a typical home oven.


If that is still too much heat in your kitchen try these options…


Use your fire pit

Fire pits are great because they take the cooking outside.  Sure, you may have a side item or two that you want to do inside but those can be a simple choice or at least something that requires less heat.

There are a lot of great meals out there that can all be done over the fire.  You can seriously cook just about anything over a camp fire!  If you are like me and need help getting creative over a camp fire check out Pinterest for some suggestions.

This one is great for that nostalgia feeling of camping too!  Bonus points because your kids might think you are cool for starting a fire AND cooking over it too.

Checkout my Pinterest Board for more great ideas!


Use your grill

Another great option for cooking outside is a portable grill.  Depending on what type of grill you carry with you will determine how much you can actually cook on it.  We just tote around a little one that could hold a couple steaks or plenty of burgers/dogs for a small gathering.  We like to keep it simple!


A charcoal grill may give you more grilling space than a portable gas one but they are also a bit messier to clean up.  You need a bit more planning as well so you get it lit and heated up before cooking.


I have to admit that grilling is not my go to cooking method.  I love the taste of grilled food but lack the skill and experience in preparing anything on there.  I usually pawn it off on my husband if he will be home at a decent hour.  Which translates in to, we don’t eat off the grill much!

Variety of food items on flaming grill



Make salads

If you are not in to grilling or just want to change things up a great dinner option to help keep your camper kitchen cool in the summer is to make a salad!


Salads are one of those things that I loathe to make because in my mind there are so many different steps before you get to eat it.  Plus, I feel like they never compare to some fancy salads I have ordered at restaurants in the past.


In reality though, it’s simple and versatile!  You can keep it simple with just your standard vegetables or add in some different proteins to change it up.  I love adding some bean varieties or some quinoa!


What’s great about salads too, is that you can prep most of the ingredients days before making the salad OR make several different salads ready to eat in just a few hours.


I love the majority of recipes found here!




Well, there you have it…my top ways to keep your camper kitchen cool in the summer!


Do you use these methods now?  Do you have other suggestions not listed?  Comment below and let me know what works best for you!


As always, thanks for reading







  • Christina

    We bought a camper so that we can go camping with our toddler. First trip out this weekend and loved it! Now I need tips on how to continue to have great trips, and your article is full of wise suggestions when it comes to how to make the cooking part fun and easy. Thanks for sharing !

    • admin

      Christina – Congrats on your purchase!! Now on to exciting new memories with your family!! So glad you enjoyed the post, stay tuned for more!!

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