Woman doing yoga outside

Top Tips For Working Out In Small Spaces

Summer is approaching fast. Unless you live in Michigan, where it still feels like winter half the week!



For a lot of women, the fact that summer is approaching means that we need to start thinking about how we will look in less clothing. No more layering and bundling to cover up our bodies.

So, now that you are traveling, where are you supposed to work out?

Read on to find top tips on working out in small spaces…

Here are a few options;


In your trailer/hotel/rental

Let me just tell you that if you truly want to work out, you can make it happen in any size space! I have completed yoga programs, weight lifting programs, and even cardio programs between my two couches and recliners. You may have a few extra steps to prep your space or clean up after but it can be done!

Woman working out in camperTrailers

Those of you that have opted for a toy hauler may have a bit of extra space in the garage to set up some sort of workout area.

The door in between is a bonus if you opt to work out while kids or hubby are sleeping, although I’m sure the trailer still shakes a bit as you jump about. LOL.

Could be soothing for the little ones! Our oldest used to sleep on the couch right next to me while I worked out. It seemed to help him sleep a bit longer most days.

If you don’t have a toy hauler, you can still accomplish your workout goals! Two of our campers had front living rooms so I was able to work out in between the couches. This usually worked out pretty well because it was a nice square space.  Talk about working out in a small space!

I envy those that have the kitchen and living room on one level. Those campers usually have the most floor space for a workout. Depending on what extras you have brought in to the camper, you may have to do some temporary rearranging to give you room.


These really aren’t much more spacious than our trailers as far as room to workout but many often offer a gym.  If you would rather stay in your room than look for a corner of the room.  Most TVs rotate or use your laptop/phone and move a chair or two out of the way.  Voila!  You have space to workout!  Plus, you can get these great bands to help provide a bit more resistance!


If you opt to rent apartments or homes while traveling then just pick an extra room or make some space in the living room.  This is by far the most spacious option so you should be able to make it work.

As my kids have gotten older, they think it is fun to work out with me. Awesome BUT it sure is cramped in that space! Just remember to be extra careful with any weights or jumping moves! Heck, even the squats can take a little one out! I may have done that a few times.


If you know you are not a self-motivated person or just prefer to work out with others, these top tips for working out in small spaces may help give you ideas;

Local gym

Local gyms can be an option but there is a cost, of course. Many gyms offer group classes or personal training if you are unsure where to start. A bonus too, if they have a child watch or daycare option!

Downsides to a gym are that some places have a difficult exit option when you no longer want your gym membership. Which can occur quite often with our type of travel. If it is a nationwide chain, you may be able to transfer to your next location or back home.

The YMCA and Planet Fitness have been pretty easy to exit out of and are mostly nationwide if you can transfer your membership.


Walking/Running is a simple form of exercise but not everyone enjoys doing it on their own. You may be able to round up a group of others to walk/run that stay in the same campground or wherever you may be staying.

There are many apps out there to help you train for a certain distance or just help keep you motivated. I personally like the ease of the Couch to 5K but recently found a new one, Better Me, that gives a bit of variation to your runs.

Woman resting after workout outside
Get out and move

Gym at campground

A somewhat rare option is a gym at a campground. I have only found this a couple of times at campgrounds but if you are staying at a hotel or apartment complex you may have a better chance of finding this option.

Even if the campground does not have a typical gym there is generally more space to move safely (not as much traffic).  There also might be a playground to act like a kid again while increasing your muscle strength.

Church/Community Center

I’ve noticed lately that local churches or community centers have started offering workout classes for groups. Most popular has been Zumba but you may be able to find other classes as well.


Now that you’ve figured out where you can work out, let’s talk about some program options.  Another top tip for working out in small spaces is to utilize a streaming at home service.  There is no need to carry around DVDs and you can use it with most smart TVs or Roku, Chromecast, etc.

I have used Beachbody’s On Demand (BOD) off and on for about the last 2 years.  It’s easy to use, low cost and you get access to over 500 different workouts!  They offer videos for all different levels and anywhere from yoga to dancing to weight lifting.

BOD is great but I know there are other streaming services out there as well as a ton of YouTube videos with lots of variety as well.  Do a search for exercise videos and try some out!


Movement is super important to stay healthy but don’t forget about the nutrition side of things as well! You can bust your butt doing the latest workout but if you are not fueling your body and providing the energy it needs for those workouts then you will not always get the results you desire.

Remember to focus on whole foods. Avoid processed foods. A common tip for grocery shopping is to shop the outside aisles of the stores. This is where the fresh produce, meats, and dairy are generally kept.

Check out the EWG’s suggestions for the dirty dozen fruits and vegetables that should be purchased organically. For meats, try to find free-range, non-GMO, and grass-fed. Once you get items home, be sure to wash your fruits and vegetables. Check out these tips.


I am no expert but I do have experience in losing weight after having babies!! My best results were after our oldest. Breastfeeding certainly helped along the way but I put in the work too! I dropped 60 lbs within 13 months!

Weight loss results of blogger

While we may be talking about getting in shape for the summer, it is important to remember that taking care of our bodies should be an all-year process. Eat well, get good sleep, and follow these top tips for working out in small spaces. I know it can be a challenge but you are worth it!

Let me hear how you are focusing on your health!!  For other tips on maintaining your overall health while traveling, check out my post on mental health.


If you would like to hear about how I lost the weight, send me a message or comment below!


As always, thanks for reading!



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