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Pipeline Travel,  Wellness

Pipeline Ladies Lunching – An Interview

I wanted to do something a little different this week so I am bringing you an interview conducted with the original creator of Pipeline Ladies Lunching found on Facebook.

I’m hoping that you are all still enjoying my posts but I thought it might be nice to hear other women’s perspective so I will try to continue bringing other interviews or guest posts in the future.

Kathleen Reagan started a group in 2013 on Facebook specifically for luncheons in hopes of connecting with other pipeline women while traveling with work.  To her delight, the group grew quickly helping other traveling families find each other and making time to connect face to face over lunch and sometimes, other gatherings.


I hope you enjoy Pipeline Ladies Lunching – An Interview,


TWC: Could you please introduce yourself and a little about you?

Kathleen: My name is Kathleen Reagan, my husband is a helper/journeyman/foreman/testing out of Local 798. We are a blended family of 7, 5 kids, 2 his, 2 mine and 1 ours. Ages range from 15-6. From early 2013 through mid 2016 we traveled with my Husband Zach. He worked non stop for those years, allowing us to travel and be a one income household when previously we were 2. I no longer travel. I am the Marketing and Digital General Manager for CE, LLC in Houston TX.


TWC:  How long have you been a part of the pipeline family?

Kathleen:  Just under 8 years. 


TWC:  Do you travel with your significant other?

Kathleen:  We do not travel with him anymore. 


TWC:  If so, how long have you been traveling?  How many states in how many years?

Kathleen:  We traveled just over 3 years and made it through a dozen or so states, mostly Michigan, Ohio, Indiana, WV and PA.


TWC:  What have you found to be the most difficult thing about your pipeline experience so far?

Kathleen:  The only guarantee in pipeline is there is NO guarantee. With children I am not comfortable not having a source of income to provide when work is slow, like right now. 


TWC:  What do you enjoy most about it?

Kathleen:  I truly have enjoyed the wives and families we’ve gotten to meet. 


TWC:  What is Pipeline Ladies Lunching?

Kathleen:  Pipeline Ladies Lunching is a social group dedicated to JUST luncheon posts. (There is no fee to join.)


TWC:  How/why did you start the group?

Kathleen:  I started the group because I was tired of fishing through drama filled pages for a luncheon post. 


TWC:  How quickly did the word get out?

Kathleen:  It got out incredibly fast. We grew in a few weeks to 500 or more members. 


TWC:  How many members are in the group now?

Kathleen:  3.8k members


TWC:  Are the luncheons only for a certain area of the country?

Kathleen:  No they are for all areas of country and all walks of pipeline life. Union, non union, from Superintendant to swamper. 


TWC:  How often do you get a chance to attend luncheons?

Kathleen:  As I do not travel and work full-time I don’t get to attend many anymore.


TWC:  How can someone find the group? 

Kathleen:  They can search for the group title or be added by a current user. We do require you answer a few questions as we have children attending the event and we want to keep them safe. 


TWC:  Can anyone organize a luncheon?

Kathleen:  Anyone is welcome to organize a luncheon. 


TWC: What has creating this group meant to you?

Kathleen:  This group has meant a drama free setting to meet and get to know other families. 


TWC:  What do you love about the group?

Kathleen:  The camaraderie between the wives and lifelong friends for our children. 


TWC:  Where do you see the group in 5 years?  Will you still run the group?

Kathleen:  Hopefully in another 5 years the group is still maintaining itself with a collective group of women who are interested in supporting the other families in the industry. I am less hands off now, compared to what I was when I started the group but I would like to think in 5 years I would still be somehow involved. 


TWC:  Would you share some of your tips/words of wisdom for someone getting started with the pipeline?

Kathleen:  The only guarantee in pipelining is there is no guarantee. Find a support system no matter where you travel. Part of the intention of the group was to assist families in building a support system where ever they may roam. 

TWC:  What has been your favorite place to visit with or without the pipeline?

Kathleen:  My favorite place to visit has been Leslie, Michigan. We stayed there on two separated jobs for almost a year each time. We made lifelong friends and our children had the opportunity to enjoy a true winter, something we don’t get to experience in South Texas.


There you have it, how the Pipeline Ladies Lunching was born!

Let me hear from you!  Did you already know about this group?  Are you ready to join the group if you are not a member, (no fee involved)?

If you are interested in sharing your personal pipeline story please comment below or send me a message.

If you are looking for other ways to connect with people while traveling, check out my blog here.


As always, thanks for reading!




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