Keeping your sanity,  Pipeline Travel

Managing social distancing

Ladies how are we doing?  


Are you managing social distancing in your life?

This is a crazy time right now.  How is everyone handling it? Are you on the road or back home?  Is anyone working at this point?


I feel like we went from 0 to 100 REAL fast.


If you’re anything like me, you may be struggling with your new routine.  You may be wondering how long will this really last? You also may be thriving in some aspects of your life.  All of those questions and feelings are normal and okay to feel.


Our current situation


At this time, we have found ourselves laid off since September and homeschooling 3 under the age of 6.  He had hoped to go back this spring when work started kicking off. I’ve been trying to build my own business and publish a book.  We had trips planned not social distancing.  Much like everyone else, this was not in our plans.


Now I spend my days spending more time sharing my computer with the kids, planning their assignments, breaking up arguments and making meals more than I do working on my business.  Luckily, my husband is home and he likes to clean so that is off my plate!


Now is the time, more than ever, that we need to come together.  We need to help each other out.


Some of us are really struggling, some are nailing it.  Some have been laid off for a LONG time already and others are just starting their lay-offs.  


The actions that are being asked of us in response to COVID-19 may be considered an overreaction to some while others feel like it is not being taken seriously.  There is a lot of panic and unease in the unknown.


What we can do


Please do your best to have a kind heart through all of this.  Remember that although we may not be able to help someone physically while managing social distancing, we can still find ways to help.


Ways like…

  • Sending a letter/note
  • Giving a compliment
  • Asking how someone is doing
  • Buying gift cards for future use at small businesses
  • Giving extra hugs to our children
  • Giving ALL the “space and grace” to ourselves and others as we navigate through this
  • Making time for ourselves as well as each family member to feel whatever it is they may be feeling
  • Offer tips/suggestions
  • Phone calls, FaceTime, Skype, Zoom, conversation
  • Go shop for your elderly neighbor or relative
  • Use Shipt, Instacart or whatever online shopping is available in your area
  • Don’t forget to tip
  • Trade services if you have a business
  • Share positive information
  • Share accurate, truthful information


In keeping with the idea of sharing resources, I wanted to share something with all of you, an online school resources sheet we have been using so far for our kids.  Please feel free to share with whoever may need it.


Don’t forget to check out some previous posts in regards to dealing with isolation, workouts and routines.


I would love to hear from the ladies that have been homeschooling before it was our only choice.  What information, tips or resources are you able to share to the stressed out mothers that are diving in for the first time?


For those just getting started…how can we help?  What is working for you so far?


Here is your online school resource sheet!


As always, thanks for reading!


Child completing artwork at home
Us pretending we know what we are doing for school


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