Life on the road

Happy New Year!

Happy New Year!


I hope everyone had an enjoyable holiday season whether you made it back to your home state or are out on a project. 


I know ours has been eventful between gatherings, travels and just about every possible illness for each of us at different times. Seriously!  We have been through the flu, pneumonia, vertigo and all kinds of sinus issues! 


That has only played a small part in my absence here. I’ve also started a business and am in the process of writing a book. Both have taken a significant amount of time over the last few months. 


I wanted to jump on here to let you know I’m not done!  Don’t worry, I have plans for 2020 and it involves more writing here on this blog. I am at the tail end of my book and then it is ready for editing!  I am so excited to get the book out for everyone to see so I’m putting my energy to finish that. Then I can make more space to continue my efforts here. 


I have a couple guest posts coming up as well!  We all have unique stories to share whether we realize it or not. There are women out there that need to hear your experiences. They need to feel that connection. To know that others know what they are going through. That others know their troubles and their triumphs. 


I love being able to share others stories with you!  If you are or know someone that may be interested in a guest post or being interviewed for the blog, please comment or send me a message. 


Cheers to the beginning of a new year!


As always, thanks for reading!



Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!!



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