Life on the road,  Pipeline stories,  Pipeline Travel

Five Ways To Push Past Your Inner Critic

Y’all I’m so excited! 

I finally did it!  My book is finished!  I wanted to take a second and share 5 steps to push past your inner critic (And let me tell ya, she was loud) that helped me get my book done.  


I’ve been thinking about writing this book for almost two years now.  The actual writing part was finished this winter but I let myself listen to that inner critic.  Telling me no one will read it, no one will like it, I don’t know what I’m talking about.  ALL the things!


Maybe some of those things will be true but I know that I have the experience, we all do, to write about our own experiences, what has helped us and how that might help someone else in a similar situation.


The actual writing of the book and editing is done.  Currently, it is heading to formatting and cover design.  I set a date near the end of September 2020 to launch!


I wrote this book with y’all in mind.  

As well as those just getting started or thinking about getting started with pipeline travel.  I hope I did ya proud!!  I know I didn’t cover everything but I wanted this book to focus on the beginning of the journey.


It was hard at times, to remember how I felt in certain situations.  Trying to remember all the questions I had, the places we had been (and when), sharing some of the stories.  But it felt right.  It felt like there might be someone out there that needs to hear our story, to get an idea of what it is like to travel with the pipeline or to know that they are not in it alone.


Because it was a journey to get to this point and through the writing, I wanted to share with you…


The 5 steps to push past your inner critic that helped me were;


Making a plan

It can be as simple as writing down the things you want to say.  Mindmapping, brainstorming, or anything else you want to call it.  Get the ideas out of your head and on to a piece of paper, Google docs, or any way else you want to write.  Set a timer, get your sh*t together, and GO!


Put together not only your thoughts for what you want to share but also ideas on how you want to organize it.  Think back to when you were in school and they taught you to create sections for writing.  Get your intro started, your chapter ideas, and your closing thoughts.


Taking action

After you’ve spent some time really thinking about what it is you want to share, take some time to actually do the writing.  It doesn’t have to be perfect.  Put whatever comes to mind, put it in your notes.  Then you can take some time to edit and make adjustments to how you want it to flow.


Creating affirmations

Another huge help in pushing past my inner critic was creating affirmations.  Just the act of thinking about what you want to accomplish is helpful.  Then when you put them into your daily habit and repeat those affirmations.  Say them out loud!  Put them ALL over your camper, phone, house, whatever.  Use sticky notes and put them where you will see them and when you see them, say them proud!  


Making it a priority

How many good ideas have you had only to forget about them?  Scheduling them into your day makes those ideas a priority.  It took me a long time to see this one.  I always considered myself as a person that preferred to not have a schedule but so many things slip through the cracks when they are not noted.


Blocking out time in my schedule to focus on the writing helped, to make it a habit.  I do this with so many things including break periods.  It helps me to see where I’m spending my time and where I can add something else.  I use a combination of my phone calendar and a physical planner (click here for my favorite planner) to help track my days.  Below is a screenshot of my calendar when I was in the thick of things.

Be consistent

This one ties into Making it a priority as well.  In order to make a habit, you have to stay consistent.  That may mean setting it up at the same time/day.  It may mean setting a set time period.  Consistency also means that if you miss a day, you pick right back up.  Don’t go down that rabbit hole where you find every excuse because you missed one time.

If your interested in more info on creating or resetting a routine, read here.


There you have it, 5 steps to push past your inner critic.  

  • Making a plan
  • Taking action
  • Affirmations
  • Making it a priority
  • Be consistent


These steps can be applied to just about anything you are trying to achieve or when you feel that self-doubt creeping up.


My book was a big hurdle but I’m so glad I was able to get it done.  What hurdles are you ready to cross off your list?


My hope for this book is that it will help future pipeline families.  I hope it resonates with those of us in the middle of it and I hope that it inspires you to go after your dreams.


I’m building my launch team and would love for you to be on it! 

If you are interested in reading this book and helping spread the word, please reach out below or send me an email at


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