Isolation,  Keeping your sanity,  Pipeline Travel

Finding new experiences while traveling

Whether you are excited or nervous about your new location there comes a time, after you have settled in and are bored to tears, that you need to get out and DO something!  Finding new experiences while traveling can be overwhelming and sometimes intimidating.


SO where do you start?


Most likely you don’t know anyone (yet) and are still getting used to navigating the area.



My go to start position is Google search or whatever search engine you use.  Type in a hobby that you are interested in and the location.  Or look for local parks, churches, community centers, whatever you may have an interest in and want to explore.


That search can send you down a rabbit hole quickly if you let it so try to focus on what you want out of your activity.


Do you want to create something?  Do you want to see something new?  Do you want a chance to meet new people?




My next tool is FB events and local groups.  FB and the internet in general can be helpful for finding new experience while traveling across the country!  Just follow these simple steps

  • Click on the events section off to the left of your main page.
  • Search your local area and a time frame…this week, next week or certain dates.

I’ve been able to find a lot of fun, local events that I did not find using my search engine.  These were anywhere from a charity run to a crafting class or local tasting of food or drink.



When I first started traveling, we didn’t have kids so most of my activities revolved around shopping or hiking.  I was more of an introvert than I am these days so I was ok with solo activities while my husband was working.  (Just make sure you let someone know where you are going and when you will be back.)


I just NEEDED to get out of the trailer!!


We were lucky enough to be near some great hiking and scenic places so I would take our pups with me and go for a hike that usually ended in me carrying our dog, Piglet.  He had lots of energy but just a little guy so he didn’t hang for long. Pig in a pocket pic included for cuteness!



I also found myself doing quite a bit of shopping in certain locations which wasn’t exactly good for the pocketbook!  I had to refocus my activity choices and find something else besides shopping.  Which takes us to my next suggestion…




The first time I got a job while traveling (outside of helping at a campground), we were just outside of Washington D.C.  We were living in a house FULL of people but I needed some space and new faces.  One of our roommates started at a local tanning salon.  She mentioned that they were still looking for help so I went for it.


Not exactly what I was looking for but I am so glad that I took a chance!  Everyone there was so nice!  I got great work experience, training and so much more.  I ended up making two friends from there who helped me out a ton with our pup, filling in for my lack of friends and just being very supportive.


Now, we have our two littles so I try finding new experiences while traveling that they would enjoy.  Below are my top choices;


  • Zoos
  • Craft classes
  • Gymnastics/dance classes
  • Local mall with a children’s area or bounce house
  • Mom groups can be found on FB


Really, anything to get them out of the trailer as well as burn off some energy!  Trust me, you NEED this for your sanity!!



In the more remote locations, I often would be willing to drive a bit further for an activity but there may be other options such as a local church, community group, boards in the grocery store or post office.


I admit, I have not used this resource much.  I have been successful with the previous options and just haven’t had to use this one. Most will have a community board with things going on around town and if they do not, they usually have people who will be willing to help you find something or someone.



There might not always be things close to where you are staying, in those instances, start with a daily walk.


It is amazing what just getting outside can do for your mental health!!  Ah, the power of sunshine and fresh air!


Plus, it gives you exposure to other people, who may be able to suggest new experiences or new places!!  In these more isolated places try to resist the urge to always curl up and binge TV/surf the internet.  Those days can be just as rewarding but only on an occasional basis.


Speaking of exercise, places that offer exercise options are a great resource.  Not only do you get to move but you have the chance to meet others. Some places, like most YMCAs, offer a child care option too while you are taking your class.



Don’t miss out on this great resource…pipeline groups found on Facebook.  Here you can connect with other traveling ladies in your area and continue to stay in touch with them!


There are a ton of groups out there so you just have to find the one that works for you.  Just use the search tab on FB and type in “pipeline” or “pipeline wives”.  That should get you started with several options.


In addition to those groups be sure to join Pipeline Ladies Lunching.  This group organizes lunch gatherings all over.  Again, just search for your current location or post and ask if anyone is around you.  I wish I had known about this group from the beginning!  It’s so nice to have a standing meeting once a week and plan trips, shopping or just another get together.


If you don’t see something in your area, you can always start something!  Post in the groups that already exist and ask for people to join you on an outing.  Or you can create your own group if you are not finding what you are looking for in your area.


The point is that you don’t have to be so isolated.  There are millions of people on this earth and many have the same interests, problems and desires as you do!  If you need help on finding people to connect with while traveling check out my post here


As always, thanks for reading!


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