What is Traveling Wives Club?

Hello! I’m Kate.

Hey there!  Thank you so much for stopping by to my blog, Traveling Wives Club.  You are probably wondering what is Traveling Wives Club?  I’m here to provide support and an inside look to this “glamorous” pipeline travel lifestyle we live!!  Look for my posts monthly, on Wednesdays.


Let me first tell you a little bit about me…my name is Kate.  I am a Michigander!  Go blue!! I grew up in Marion, MI (imagine me holding up my hand and pointing to almost the middle of it).  I grew up on a farm outside of this small village (one traffic light, downgraded to a 4 way).  We had a variety of animals, did our own hay and I got into as much trouble as I could growing up, sorry Ma & Pa!!


I have always had the travel bug since I was a kid!  I was lucky enough to go on vacations with my family and see a lot of amazing places. Travel stuck with me as I got older, I moved to Virginia after graduating, then back home, then on to Kentucky with my brother and his family.  While I loved living with my niece, I needed to do something more for myself.  I needed to really be on my own so I did what any 19 year old would do…I joined the Army!


It was a perfect fit! I got to continue traveling AND they trained me to learn another language!!  I mean, I knew other things could happen while serving but I was pretty optimistic about the whole thing.  Unfortunately, I treated my training like I was in college. I was into doing the bare minimum for studying, eating/drinking what I wanted, and not really worried about any consequences.

Let me clarify, that I was never the studious type, to begin with, that is why I moved and got a job instead of going straight to college.  I was lucky enough to graduate high school!  Not because I wasn’t smart but because I just didn’t care about my last 2-3 years of school.  I was over it and wanted out but that is another story.


While serving in the Army I traveled to Missouri, California, Texas, and then on to Germany and Kosova.  Not to mention all the states in between to get to those places.  I got one on one time with each of my parents, my Ma on the way to California and then Pa drove to Texas from California with me. I got to take a few more trips while overseas as well, exploring almost every country bordering Germany!  There are SO many places to see!!!  I don’t share this to brag, more to assure you that I have and do LOVE to travel!


This is why I feel so fortunate to have married a man that also loves to travel!  This form of travel is waaaay different than what I was used to and quite honestly had no idea it even existed.  His job is with the pipeline, natural gas to be specific.  He works for a variety of companies under a union. The jobs can last anywhere from a couple weeks to years.  The work may be steady or you could be off for years.  His work has taken us to 14 different states and 34 moves in 14 years. It is one of the most unpredictable jobs I have ever experienced but we love it!


Together we have two wonderful little knuckleheads, most would call children.  They are 6 and 3 and keep life even more interesting if that is even possible!  We all travel together and for the most part, I think everyone is still happy where we are but there will be a day when I’m sure that will change.  We are currently living it up in North Carolina since about July of 2020.


Now that you know a little about me, come back and hear about our travels, the ups and downs of this lifestyle, life in general, and any tips/tricks I can provide to navigate these travels!


Are you part of the Traveling Wives Club?  Let me hear from you too!! Let’s connect!!  Comment below, share and tag this post or find me on social media!!